Setting Up Corporate Rates and Discount Codes in

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Linking Corporate Rates with Discount Codes

This article contains the following topics:

  1. Create corporate rate
  2. Create discount code and link to corporate rate

1. Create corporate rate
To create a corporate rate, go to Content management and click on the room type for which you want to create the corporate rate. Then click next to the photos on Add Corporate rate to this room.

In the next screen, you can enter the information. When you have entered everything, click on the Save button.

Rate name Enter the name of the new corporate rate here

Tip! Put the room type after the name of the corporate rate. When several room types have the same rate name, it makes linking this rate to a code easier, even when you decide to no longer link a rate to a code.
Number of persons Enter the number of people to whom this rate applies.
is connected rate? Select the rate in the dropdown where you want to give the discount.
Guarantee method Tick one or more guarantee methods that you want to offer

Credit card:
Select this method when guests must provide credit card details to guarantee the booking. The credit card will not be charged.

Pm hold:
Only select this method if you have entered a PM-hold time under Hotel Settings. With this method you guarantee the guest the booked room up to the time entered on the day of arrival.

No guarantee:
Select this method if guests are allowed to reserve without a credit card guarantee.

Voucher / Budgetcode / Two hour release:
Not in use
Discount Enter the discount percentage or the discount amount
Discount or own properties? Select Discount to give the discount on the selected rate
Breakfast included Indicate whether this rate includes breakfast
Rate can be cancelled Indicate whether this rate can be canceled
Booking must be cancelled If this rate can be canceled, indicate here how many days before arrival guests can cancel free of charge
Rate cancellation policy If this rate has different cancellation conditions, you can enter it here. If you leave this field blank, the cancellation conditions entered under Hotel Profile will be taken over and used
Is Active rate? Indicate whether the rate may be activated

Attention! If "Is active rate?" is on 'no' and you have a link with a channel manager, the rate will not be offered to the channel manager to link for the delivery of the reservations for this rate.
Close rate Enter how many days before arrival, this rate must close automatically.
Leave this field blank if the rate may be bookable up to the day of arrival


After the information has been saved, you will see the following screen, where you will see a number of extra / other items.

Room Here you can see under which room type the rate has been created
Internal rate name This is the rate name that you previously entered in Rate name
Online rate name The rate name in this field has been taken from Internal rate name.
The rate name entered here is displayed in the booking engine.
This can be adjusted if desired.
Max amount of rooms per Booking Indicate here how many rooms can be booked per reservation. If you do not enter anything here, the maximum number of available rooms can be booked in one go.
Breakfast price If you have selected 'no' at Breakfast included, you can enter the price of breakfast per person per night here. This amount is then shown in the booking module with the rate.

If you do not enter anything here, 'Breakfast excluded' will be displayed.

When you have made changes to the above fields, click on the Save button to save the changes.

Now click on the dropdown under Rate Short description and select a language of your choice. The fields Online rate name, Rate Short description and Rate cancellation policy (if applicable) are now empty and you can add the information for the chosen language. After adding the information on the right, click the Save button to save. Repeat these steps until all languages are filled.

The rate has been created, now the discount code can be created and linked.

2. Create discount code and link to corporate rate
How do you create a discount code, is fully written out for you in the manual Create a new promotion code.

If you have (already) created the discount code, you can link it to the created corporate rate. Go to SettingsCorporate Module and click on the created discount code edit/assign rates.

Scroll down until you see "Allowed corporate rates" and tick the corporate rate there, which you have previously created. Click on the Save button to save the link between the code and the rate.

The code and the rate are now linked. You can now log in with the code to see if the correct price is displayed and that you can book with this code.


Questions? If you have any questions about creating a discount code with linked availability, please contact our support team by submitting a new support request.