Add a new package in your booking engine

In this manual we explain step-by-step how to create a new package and add photos to a new package in your booking engine.

This article contains the following topics:

  1. Manual "Add a new package"
  2. How do I add photos to a package?

1. Manual "Add a new package"
To create a new package, log in to the dashboard. When you are logged in to your dashboard, click on Content management and then under Hotel Data on Add Package.

A new screen opens where you enter the information about the new package.

Important:Â Package name and Package description must first be entered in English. After you have saved the information in English, you can add the information in Dutch or other available language.

Package name Name of the package
Package description Description of the package
Package theme Not in use
Package can be booked Unlimited: 
When a package can be booked all year round, select this option.

Fixed period:
When a package can only be booked for a specific period, select this option and set a period when the package  can be booked.
Package displayed on site Unlimited:
When a package can be visible all year round, select this option.

Fixed period:
When a package can only be visible in a specific period, select this option and set a period when the package may be shown.
Number of nights Number of nights of the package
Breakfast included Breakfast included: yes or no
Breakfast price If you have selected "no" at Breakfast included, you can enter the price of breakfast per person per day here. This price is then shown in the booking engine.
When you leave the field empty, "Breakfast excluded" will be shown in the booking engine.
Package indication Minimum and maximum price of the package
Package indication display method Select [min rate] - [max rate]
Package is active? Set to "yes" to activate the package
WLP Package Only Use this option if you only want to offer the package through your own website and not via the marketing platform
Package Voucher Only Not in use

Select the desired booking method in the drop down Booking Engine
Make package directly bookable: 
Guests can book the package directly and automatically receive a booking confirmation by e-mail. Hotel also receives a booking confirmation and the booking is forwarded to the channel manager / PMS, if this is linked to Request Booking
Make package bookable on request: Guests can book the package on request. Hotel receives the request by e-mail and must confirm this to the guest in the dashboard of via
 Bookings > Direct boookings

Bookings on request that are confirmed by the hotel will not be forwarded to the channel manager / PMS and must be processed manually.

Guarantee method Tick one or more guarantee methods that you want to offer

Online payment:
This method is only visible when you purchase payment via SmartHOTEL. 
Select this method to allow guests to pay directly online for a reservation while booking, via a secure environment.

Credit card:
Select this method when guests must provide credit card details to guarantee the booking. The credit card will not be charged.

Pm hold:
Only select this method if you have entered a time under Hotel Settings at PM-hold time. With this method you guarantee the guest the booked room up to the time entered on the day of arrival.

No guarantee:
Select this method if guests are allowed to book without a credit card guarantee.

Voucher / Budgetcode / Two hour release:
Not in use
Package can be cancelled Indicate whether this package can be canceled
Booking must be cancelled If this package can be canceled, indicate here how many days before arrival you can cancel free of charge
Package cancellation policy If this package has a different cancellation policy, you can enter it here. If you leave this field empty, the cancellation conditions entered under Hotel Profile will apply
Set extra bed rates Set the extra costs and number of available beds here and activate the prices if you want to offer this for this package.

After you have entered all the information, under package rates and availabilities, you must select the arrival day (s) and determine whether prices and availability will be managed manually or automatically.

You can choose from 4 options:

  1. Package on request
  2. Package with own availability and prices
  3. Package with linked availability and own prices
  4. Package with linked availability and linked prices
    Add a new package in your booking engine

2.How do I add photos to a package?
In the article Add photo to a package, we explain how you can add one or more photos to a new package.

Questions? If you have any questions about adding a new room type, please contact our support team by submitting a new support request.