GDS Lesson 3: Understanding who is paying for a booking

It is important to know who is paying the stay to the hotel. In general, the guest is paying the entire stay at time of departure. The guest has to pay the rate which has been booked plus taxes and all the additional services used.

If the customer arrives with a voucher it is fully up to you to accept this. Please note that never publishes anywhere that voucher payment it accepted for our hotels. If you feel uncomfortable with the voucher you have the right to refuse this payment method.

Very often guests think that they have already prepaid the stay because they entered the credit card as guarantee:

  • If you selected “GTD CC” you are not allowed to charge the card in advance and you can inform the guest that the card has only been given to guarantee the booking
  • If you selected “Prepayment” you should have charged the customers credit card upon receipt of the booking and the guest should only pay the additional services used.

Note Please do never allow the guest to leave your hotel without having received your payment! We are not able to assist you after check-out to get the customer’s payment. This is your own responsibility.

Exception: If your hotel has an agreement with a web portal for net rates and these special net rates have been booked, the guest is only paying all additional services used in your hotel. The room rate (and taxes if not included in rate) have to be charged to the credit card of the web portal which has been delivered in the initial reservation. Please always check the individual agreement you signed with these web portals.