- SmartHOTEL Helpguide
- Smart Payments
- Virtual Cards
How do Virtual Cards work?
Whenever a guest books and pays through an OTA such as Booking.com. Expedia.com or Hotelbeds, you might get a virtual credit card (VCC) to process the payment.
Should you be using Smart Payments, and have a Virtual Card policy, we will process the VCC information to automate the charge on the effective date of the card. Charges are done automatically at 06:00 UTC
The charge details for the Virtual card are taken from the original booking made by the OTA.
Modifications with a change in total amount will not automatically update the charge
Should a reservation be cancelled, the charge request will also be cancelled
VCC's are currently only processed for Booking.com, Expedia & Hotelbeds. New OTA's will be added soon.