Creating and Managing Packages in the Booking Engine

Easily create and manage packages in your booking engine, including adding package photos and setting availability and pricing.

How to Create a New Package and Add Photos

This support article covers the following topics:

  1. How to create a new package
  2. How to add photos to a package

To manage your packages, log in to your dashboard via

1. How to Create a New Package

Follow these steps to create a new package in your Booking Engine:

  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Content Management and click on Add Package under Hotel Data.

A new screen will appear where you can input details about the new package.


  • The Package Name and Package Description must be entered in English first. After saving this information, you can add translations in Dutch or other available languages.

Key Fields to Fill Out:

  • Package Name: Enter the name of the package.
  • Package Description: Describe the package.
  • Package Theme: Not in use.
  • Package Can Be Booked:
    • Unlimited: Select this if the package is available year-round.
    • Fixed Period: Select this if the package is only available for a specific time frame and set the desired period.
  • Package Displayed on Site:
    • Unlimited: Select this if the package should be visible year-round.
    • Fixed Period: Select this if the package should be visible only during a specific time frame.
  • Number of Nights: Specify the number of nights included in the package.
  • Breakfast Included: Choose whether breakfast is included in the package.
  • Breakfast Price: If breakfast is not included, enter the price per person per day. This will be displayed in the booking engine. Leave this field empty if breakfast is excluded from the package.
  • Package Indication: Enter the minimum and maximum price for the package.
  • Package Indication Display Method: Select how the rates are displayed (e.g., [min rate] - [max rate]).
  • Package is Active?: Set this to "Yes" to make the package available for booking.
  • WLP Package Only: Use this option if the package should only be available through your own website and not on the marketing platform.
  • Package Voucher Only: Not in use.
  • Booking Method:
    • Booking Engine: Allows guests to book the package directly, with instant email confirmation. Bookings will be forwarded to the channel manager/PMS if linked to
    • Request Booking: Allows guests to request a booking. The hotel must confirm the request via the dashboard. Note that bookings confirmed by the hotel will not be forwarded to the channel manager/PMS and must be processed manually.

Guarantee Method:

Select one or more guarantee methods for the package:

  • Smart Payments: Available if you have purchased Smart Payments from This allows guests to pay securely online during the booking process via a safe payment environment.
  • Credit Card: Requires guests to provide credit card details as a guarantee. The card will not be charged.
  • PM Hold: Only available if you have set a PM-hold time under Hotel Settings. Guarantees the room until the specified time on the arrival day.
  • No Guarantee: Guests can book without providing credit card details.

Cancellation Policy:

  • Package Can Be Cancelled: Indicate whether this package can be cancelled.
  • Booking Must Be Cancelled: Specify the number of days prior to arrival that the booking can be cancelled free of charge.
  • Package Cancellation Policy: If this package has a different cancellation policy from the hotel's standard policy, specify it here. Otherwise, the general cancellation terms under Hotel Profile will apply.

Extra Bed Rates:

  • Set the extra bed costs and the number of available extra beds for the package.

After entering all information, go to Package Rates and Availabilities to set the arrival days and manage prices and availability manually or automatically.

You can choose from four options:

  1. Package on Request
  2. Package with Own Availability and Prices
  3. Package with Linked Availability and Own Prices
  4. Package with Linked Availability and Linked Prices

2. How to Add Photos to a Package

For detailed instructions on how to add photos to a package, please refer to the article Managing Package Photos in the Booking Engine.


If you need further assistance with creating or managing packages, please contact our support team by emailing your question to