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Why is Expedia showing lower rates than in the channel manager?

Expedia is showing lower rates than the channel manager. What has caused this?

Hotels can opt in for Auto Rate Matching in Expedia as seen in the Rates and availability observations page in the Expedia extranet.
(click on the image to get a bigger version)
Auto Rate Matching Expedia
With this feature turned on, Expedia will match lower rates for the same room type, rate plan, and check-in and check-out dates. They won’t:
  • Adjust rates on check-in and check-out dates where they didn’t observe a loss.
  • Create inventory for dates where they don’t have availability.
  • Create room types or rate plans available on competitor sites but not on Expedia.
  • Create lower rates than what’s available on competitor sites.
  • Match promotions.
If Expedia doesn't offer the same room type or rate plans, they’ll make minor rate adjustments to improve the competitiveness in the marketplace.

Note: Hotels who have opted in for the Revive and Relief programme will automatically have this switched on and will not be able to opt out unless they leave the programme.